Bald Eagle – Lead Poisoning

Barred Owl and Bald Eagle – Hit by Car

It is painful to witness the status of both of these beautiful birds, most especially because accidents like this are by and large preventable. We all need to slow down on the roads and pay attention to what is happening around us. Speed and distraction on the road kills. As a society, we seem to have deemed that a certain amount of loss (human, animal, environmental) is acceptable so that we can have freedom of movement. It’s time to start rethinking this.
If you do hit an animal or see an animal get hit, please contact us or the closest rehabber right away. There is a better outcome for the animal if they can receive immediate care.
As always, let’s hope for the best for these two! And we thank the folks that did care enough to make sure that the owl and the eagle found their ways to The Raptor Center.
Red Squirrel
This red squirrel was caught in a woodstove, but retrieved before he could suffer too much damage by a very caring and watchful fire tender. We have high hopes for this fella as long as there was not too much smoke inhalation.
Northern Cardinal and Common Redpoll
Unfortunately, we receive a lot of birds all year long that require care because they have flown into a window. Sometimes these birds are stunned, and other times they suffer head trauma. Don’t let this redpoll fool you though, he was just camera shy.