Annual Report for 2023

Read our full Annual Report here.

Dear Wildwoods Friends and Family,

What a year we had in 2023! Thank YOU for being a part of it! Your support meant everything to the animals and humans alike who benefited from our work. We admitted 882 animals representing 119 species, and provided support to 2,484 people.

Our Work in 2023

 Wildwoods has worked diligently to increase our funding sources and to create a sustainable organization. We are proud that in the last year we have:

  • Introduced new foundations to our work, expanding this area of funding.
  • Increased the number of individual supporters, lowered our attrition rate, and encouraged lapsed supporters to rejoin our efforts!
  • Received our first bequest from a supporter’s estate plan.

With this growing support, we continued to improve the care and housing for orphaned and injured wildlife.

  • We built new enclosures in our outdoor pre-release conditioning area that meets the particular needs of the animal species we house.
  • It appears Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is here to stay, so we expanded and upgraded our quarantine room to improve care for raptors, waterfowl, and mammals that are susceptible to this disease.
  • We started the process of upgrading our nursery, including prepping for raccoons, and building a new quarantine room for waterfowl babies.

Our Community

 Wildwoods cannot exist without our community. Please look at our financials in this report to see just how you fit in. Individual donors are responsible for 75 percent of our revenue (this includes our bequest!). Each dollar that you put into an envelope, leave in our mailbox, or donate online makes up a portion of that 75 percent. Your dollars, words of encouragement, volunteer hours, care for the animals, and spreading the word on how to share space with nature and her wildlife are inextricably linked to our successes here at Wildwoods.

I continue to be impressed by our staff, our volunteers, and our community that come together to support and guide our work as we care for the animals that share this world with us. Due to the increasing needs of our wildlife community and our efforts to provide the best care possible, we ask you to consider increasing your support this spring. We are expecting a long spring and summer of baby animals, and your support is fundamental to everything that we do.

Please support us in our efforts so that we can continue to be here for you, and for the animals that enrich our lives.

Kind regards,

Jessica LaBumbard, Executive Director

Read our full Annual Report here.

Posted in About Wildlife Rehab, Animal Issues, Featured, Fundraising, Human/Animal Conflict, News & Events, Special Projects.