Category Archives: Animal Issues
The Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern grays are ubiquitous in Minnesota. They are everywhere and are one of the few species that thrive in the midst of urban sprawl. For some people squirrels are seen as pests, running around inside the walls of their house and stealing bird seed out of feeders. For others they are seen as cute, bouncy, fun-to-watch […]
Continue readingCreative problem solving helps bird stay upright
This northern flicker hit a window and has head trauma. Because of this, his sense of balance is off, and he keeps flipping over onto his back, where he feels quite distressed as this is not a natural position for a bird. So we built him this little body wrap to keep him in an […]
Continue readingLooking for a family
Do you know where a family of trumpeter swans are? We need to find a foster family for this little guy fast! If you have seen a family of trumpeter swans call us at 218-491-3604.
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Baby Herring Gull Needs Foster Family
We are looking for herring gulls (the big local gulls) nesting on a local (Duluth, MN), accessible roof. Do you know of any? Call us!
Remember our little gull? He went to WRC to be with another gull chick, but it turns out that they are different species, so that won’t work.
In the meantime, all our calling around to seabird rehabbers on the coasts finally bore fruit–one confirmed that we CAN foster out gull chicks (we didn’t want to try this without confirming with someone who does a lot of gull rehab, or we could end up with a dead chick).
So, we’re looking for a foster herring gull family for this little guy. Can you help? Call us at 218-491-3604. Please “share”, and thanks!
From the MN DNR: Motorists beware: Minnesota turtles now crossing roads
From the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Motorists beware: Minnesota turtles now crossing roads June 2, 2016 Originally published at the MN DNR website. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Transportation remind motorists to be careful of turtles crossing roads over the next several weeks as they move to familiar nesting locations. […]
Continue readingUrgent Request: The Miracle Nipple
When we feed squirrels and other small mammals we use something called The Miracle Nipple. They are specifically designed for small mouths and fit our syringes perfectly. The only problem: teeth. While these nipples are very durable, eventually little teeth will wear through, creating holes and making the nipple less effective. This is shaping up to be […]
Continue readingBaby Great Horned Owl
We are going to attempt to re-unite “Hooty” with his parents later today. He’s doing well, but really needs his mom and dad so he can learn from the best how to be an owl. Here’s a video of him eating a chunk of meat (we mostly feed bits of whole rodent–skin, bone, and […]
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