Summer 2024 Newsletter

Read our full Newsletter here.

Dear Wildwoods Friends and Family,

It’s been a wild ride this summer! The babies started arriving at the end of April, and they are still coming! This is the busiest and longest baby season at Wildwoods that we can remember. A huge thank you and kudos to our incredible staff and volunteers who have given so much of themselves to the animals, and to our community who support us!

As of early August, we have admitted 724 animals representing 99 species. 600 people have brought animals to us, and we have assisted an additional 780 people with animal inquiries that we were able to resolve on the phone.

Enjoy this newsletter of animal stories. Even though the species of animals are quite varied, their reasons for coming to Wildwoods follow the general trend of having had a negative interaction with a human. These interactions can include striking the windows of a house, being hit by a car, having their home tree cut down, pet attacks, and even folks digging in their gardens. Simple changes (driving slower, waiting to trim trees, pets on leashes) can have a huge impact on these animals.

Our summer is not over yet, babies are still coming, and then we move into migration season. Our work continues year-round, and we rely on you to make sure that we are here for the long haul.

Thank you for everything you did to make this a successful summer for the animals in our care, and for helping us to provide an oasis for these animals in need. We can only do what we do because of your commitment to this work.

Happy fall!

Jessica LaBumbard, Executive Director

Read our full Newsletter here.

Posted in About Wildlife Rehab, Animal Issues, Featured, Fundraising, Human/Animal Conflict, News & Events.